

mastercard lobby, Purchase NY


One of my favourite projects of 2019. My pitch was a two storey, interactive and fully customisable visualisation engine which reflected the human insights available to mastercard by virtue of the wealth of global data they process. Furthermore, the modes of operation were based around the strategy of connections which are built through shared interest and passions. Collaborator Ilana Werba and I devised a set of triggers which generated data insights relevant to the dynamics of the interaction (movement, person to person proximity, groups etc).


Information vs Data

Finding insights in numbers is about understanding human behaviour, the resolution of recognisable visual themes within the transaction data represents the mastercard bridge to valuable information.

This project saw me back on the tools, responsible for the creative and visual programming in Notch. I was supported by Danny on openFrameworks and MaxMSP, Liam on computer vision and technical direction, Nicky on insight design, Adam on CMS front e…

This project saw me back on the tools, responsible for the creative and visual programming in Notch. I was supported by Danny on openFrameworks and MaxMSP, Liam on computer vision and technical direction, Nicky on insight design, Adam on CMS front end and Hoan on back end systems.

Creative Director/Designer/Developer

Imagination Sydney/NY

The visualisations are completely driven by a CMS which is equipped with its own streaming preview so authors can proof the particle visualisation before going live.

The visualisations are completely driven by a CMS which is equipped with its own streaming preview so authors can proof the particle visualisation before going live.



Representing the human connections which form around transactions was core to the visual theme. The ambient visualisation state plotted the global ‘transaction tide’, and connections were generated when collisions occurred.
