Embers is my answer to signal to noise ratio problems of social media. I wanted to be able to quickly look for patterns and trends within large data sets, ultimately avoiding the need to read thousands of posts individually. Twitter is our first platform of choice for this ambition, we hope to expand that out to other services over time.
Embers began as a commissioned tech demo for the launch of the flagship Z10 handset in 2013. What, you don’t remember the Z10? That’s probably because it was one of the last death gargles of BlackBerry’s consumer handset market share.
Anyway - Embers was called FeatherDuster back then - for… reasons. Actually it kind of made sense, but ‘Embers’ is more fitting for its long delayed iOS launch. Long delayed because it has but one developer (Jarrod Smith) and one designer (me) and we chipped away at it over the last few years around our regular work. Thanks to Pete and Cal for their support.
Buy it for iPhone or iPad in the iOS app store, then buy one for your mum.